Monday, April 21, 2014

Water is on and we are open! Now all we need is some warm weather. Yippee!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Will this winter weather ever end? Sure it will, but our Opening of the season has been delayed due to the snow. In fact, a report from Isanti this afternoon was of 8" of snow and not letting up.

We will keep you posted on the latest. We're all anxious to get up to Oakwood to be with our friends.


Monday, April 14, 2014

Hello friends and interested visitors.  We all anxiously await the thaw and an upcoming club season of activity and friendship.  For those of you who are new to social nudism, we welcome you to our awesome club for a visit.  First time visiting couples can call the Oakwood Membership number to discuss any questions you may have, and to arrange a visit.

Please note that our activities calendar is EXTREMELY LETHARGIC as of this posting.  We are anticipating that our snowbirds will be returning any day, and that the rest of us will be concluding our hibernation shortly.  Once this occurs, we will be filling the calendar with exciting activities to occur throughout the summer months.  We anticipate another awesome WINE TASTING EXTRAVAGANZA on Memorial Weekend, as well as the THIRD ANNUAL BODY PAINTING CONTEST to be held Labor Day Weekend.  New this year, we are hosting a Hawaiian Luau Pool Party, which will happen some time in June.  It is going to be a blast.  Not to give away all the details, but we plan to have an active volcano.  Other past events have included our annual Halloween party, the Oakwood Days Hog Roast, Kentucky Derby party and Poker Run which will be back with a vengeance.  Many other informal sports and other activities will occur throughout the summer.

So, if you have been seeking a psychological B-12 shot in your relationship, try something new and come check us out.  For those of you who have talked about trying out a nudist club, this is your summer!!

Please continue to check the website calendar regularly for updates, or contact us through the membership phone.